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St. Augustine's Episcopal Church
Traditional Mass Schedule
Traditional Mass Schedule
If this is your first time visiting St. Augustine's, please do not be nervous. We are a diverse family. Some of our members were not originally Episcopalian - in fact, we have some that were raised in the Baptist Church, the Methodist Church, and the Catholic Church.
We have bulletins available that include the readings for the day, as well as an order of service.
- Beginning at 9 am, Dr. Val plays a processional hymn as Father Brown approaches the alter.
- Father Brown says 'Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit' and the people respond 'And blessed be His Kingdom now and forever. Amen'
- Father Brown says 'Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen'
- The Collect of the Day is added by Father Brown
- The collect is written to go along with both the season of the church year and the readings for the day. It summarizes the attributes of God as revealed in the scripture for the day.
- The Liturgy of the Word
- The First Lesson is read by a member of the congregation
- The Psalm is either read or is sung by the Cantor
- The Epistle is read by a member of the congregation
- All stand for the reading of the Holy Gospel
- The Sermon
- The Nicene Creed
- Prayers of the People
- The Confession
- We ask God's forgiveness for things done and left undone.
- Every confession is private and is known only to the individual person. If you feel the need to speak to the priest, let him know and it will be done in a private setting.
- Father Brown, then, grants absolution and assures us that we are forgiven by God for our sincere confession
- Sharing of Peace
- Father Brown says, 'The peace of the Lord always be with you,' and the people respond 'And, also with you.'
- At this point, we share Christ's peace with one another - typically in the form of a handshake or a hug.
- Holy Communion
- Everyone is welcome to at the alter. All baptized Christians are invited to receive Communion. Anyone wishing to receive a blessing may indicate such with folded arms across his or her chest.
- At the alter, the Bread is received first and then the Wine. You are welcome to take a sip of Wine from the Chalice, or you may dip the Bread into the Wine.
- Father Brown blesses the Congregation
- Postlude is played by Dr. Val
- Immediately after mass, we move to the kitchen to enjoy coffee and pastries
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